Reinventing Doggy Daycare for Flexibility and Convenience
DogDrop, founded by Shaina Denny and Greer Wilk, is reinventing doggy daycare to be more flexible and convenient to puppy parents. They have redesigned spaces and their staff is highly specialized in working with dogs of all needs. Shaina and Greer have a strong commitment to trust as well as the dog and owner experiences.
A Platform for the Latin American Startup Ecosystem
Mosaico Ventures is a hub for all things entrepreneurship and innovation in Latin America. Mosaico shares resources on startup investing and the Latin American ecosystem and aims to connect founders with investors.
From Google to Startup Founder to Venture Capitalist
Minnie Ingersoll is a long-time Silicon Valley product leader and operations executive. She co-founded Shift and supported the business as COO after 11+ years at Google.
Minnie has loads of experience scaling a $100M+ business, hiring hundreds of employees, and is in her early stages of being an investor.